the persona: a closer look

closeup of businesswoman writing on a flipcharthow to create one and what to do next.

by jody padar
from success to significance: the radical cpa guide

at my firm, one of our big personas is a real estate investment firm. they like a one-stop shop. they like our personalized attention. they know that we have a certain amount of practical, specialized tax knowledge that they can use.

more on radicalism: happy tax: why you need to know its name | product management: start with these 6 steps | product management meets strategy | transitioning to radical: how carl famiglietti did it | how to develop productized services | firm product management is the way to the future
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what do they dislike? they dislike the detail, because they’re deal guys, they’re big-picture guys, they just want to know: can they defer the gain, can they not defer the gain, what is the gain? they tell us to take care of the details. hands off, get it done yesterday, keep me out of jail, i hate taxes. i’m sure you know the type.