ten tips for holiday marketing | listicle

//www.g005e.com/category/checklist/listicle/by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the holiday season tends to be a little slow, the calm before the storm of the upcoming tax season.

staff gets into a party mood, so maybe this is a good time to put some of the accounting aside and switch over to some creative, holiday-themed marketing.

here are 10 ideas for engaging clients, enhancing brand awareness and boosting business:
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how wealth management has evolved

vintage pocket watch lying on hundred dollar billsand how the accounting profession has been right alongside.

by rory henry
the holistic guide to wealth management

the accounting profession is evolving rapidly. new business models are emerging, and firms are uncoupling themselves from the constraints of a partnership structure, from outdated service offerings, and from time-based pricing practices.

more: rory henry upends the traditional accounting firm | why now is the time for cpas to embrace wealth management
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you may be asking yourself: “what business am i truly in?” or perhaps, “what business should i be in?” before answering these questions, consider that you may ultimately be in the relationship business more than you’re in the tax, accounting or bookkeeping business. it doesn’t matter which training, certifications or acronyms you have following your name. if you’re moving into financial planning – or thinking about doing so – you might want to ask yourself: “am i really in the human business?”
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