21 reasons tax clients fire accountants

portrait of an angry man yelling on the phonewhat could you be preventing right now?

by ed mendlowitz
tax season opportunity guide

clients have many choices, including the choice of a tax preparer. every new client an accountant gets is because that client left – fired – their previous accountant.

more: 16 traits of the best tax clients | eight ways to charm a client | plug small leaks before they become big floods | you’re only as good as your last screw-up | four issues with ‘quick’ tax questions | when to pick up the phone this tax season | these five procedures will simplify your tax season | 11 steps to better client tax instructions | get your team ready for tax season | 12 ways to squeeze fun into tax season | 6 ways to get paid faster in tax season
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so why do clients leave?

here are 21 good reasons why they should: