grow your revenue with three marketing strategies

coffee cup by napkin with words including "action plans."

side benefit: you’ll serve your clients better.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

the latest marketing strategies and trends are almost as hard to keep up with as the tax law changes these days. here is a quick taste of three underutilized marketing trends that can solve a couple of issues in the accounting industry and increase firm profits.

more: you’re missing 60% of your revenue | calculate your business relationship ratios | set bold new goals for the rest of the year | generative ai: should you avoid it or adopt it? | five stages of any business | leverage your client list today | need leads? try a quiz | now’s the time to clean up your email list | don’t let prospects fall through the cracks
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1 – consumption marketing

does client attrition keep your firm’s managing partner up at night? consumption marketing is one of several solutions to this challenge. consumption marketing is designed to increase the consumer’s use of the product and avoid returns (think “avoid writeoffs”).