take the pressure of ‘selling’ out of ‘cross-selling’

two businesswomen sitting at table and talking in office courtyardyou don’t have to solve the problem, just make the introduction.

by ty hendrickson

cross-selling at accounting and advisory firms. it’s something a lot of firms often talk about but frequently seem to struggle with. but as the profession continues its shift toward advisory services, it’s never been more critical.

more: don’t confuse marketing with biz dev
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there’s so much opportunity to do more for existing clients (and drive revenue higher). yet, many accounting professionals tend to overcomplicate the cross-selling process, which simply begins – and sometimes ends – with having a conversation.
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business development and sales aren’t scary

…when you do it by the numbers.

by ty hendrickson
inovautus consulting

it’s well known throughout the accounting and advisory industry that business development and sales terrify accountants, who also are quick to say it’s not what they were trained to do.

the reality is number manipulation, which is what accountants do best, is the fundamental building block for sales.

once the framework of sales is broken down into a numbers game, it becomes fun and exciting – some would say almost easy. read more →

5 ways to incentivize growth

number 5 drawn in sandmake it profitable for your employees to bring in business.

by ty hendrickson

flash back a year ago, pre-pandemic, to yet another after-work networking event that you feel like you have to attend to build your practice. you have some good conversations with people you always see at these events. you have some food and drinks, but you don’t come home with any new real leads. the only thing you get is an extra pound on the scale in the morning and another night away from friends and family. does this sound familiar?

more: five time management tips to survive busy season | sales shouldn’t be scary | 5 ways to rethink the way you communicate | get goal-ready for 2021 | three w’s for networking the right way
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

fast forward. many of these events no longer exist … not that you were finding them all that effective anyway. how do you find leads in our current environment?
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five time management tips to survive busy season

ask why you’re putting things off.

by ty hendrickson

tax season is already here and in full swing in our house. i know what you are thinking, “she doesn’t have tax season anymore!” but that is not true. some of you know that not only am i a cpa, but i’m also married to a cpa so i couldn’t manage to get away from tax season even with a career change. that means that this time of year is always a little stressful as everyone adjusts to new schedules and routines, but with a little planning and the correct mindset it does not have to be bad.

more: sales shouldn’t be scary | sell your services on value, not price | 3 steps to getting the most out of every meeting | why choose you? | the one big reason your hiring sucks | are you botching your first impression?
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each year we look for new ways to better manage our time and become efficient so that we can make these three and a half months as stress-free and easy as possible on everyone involved. today, i’m rounding up our top five time management tips to help make these crazy few months operate just slightly more smoothly for you as well.
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sales shouldn’t be scary

hands using a calculatorhow a funnel will get you there.

by ty hendrickson

no, i haven’t lost my mind, i truly believe that all accountants should love sales.

more: sell your services on value, not price | when did our reaction to “no” change? | build the practice you want in 4 steps | get goal-ready for 2021 | maybe the pandemic isn’t all bad | the real problems created in a remote workforce

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it is well known that the general sentiment in our industry is that business development is terrifying and not what we were trained to do as accountants. in reality, the fundamentals of sales are actually what accountants do best – number manipulation. once the framework of sales is broken down to a numbers game, it becomes fun, exciting and dare i say, easy!
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sell your services on value, not price

4 unique value drivers.

by ty hendrickson

it is all too common when putting together a new client proposal for the first thought to be, “i need to be right around or less than what they currently pay to win this client.” does this sound familiar?

more: when did our reaction to “no” change? | 5 ways to rethink the way you communicate | get goal-ready for 2021 | three w’s for networking the right way | the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices | 4 reasons to welcome rejection
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when we go in to win new business, instead of thinking about what we are bringing to the table and what services we provide, we focus solely on how can we price our work to be competitive and maybe just low enough to win the business. then, when we meet with the client and share our beautiful proposal that took time and effort away from other tasks, the potential new client decides to stick with their current accountant.
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when did our reaction to “no” change?

businessman with hand extended in "no" gestureit’s a cue to ask more questions.

by ty hendrickson

when did our reaction to “no” change?

my son recently took up driving and honestly, it terrifies me. when he asks to use the car, he hears the word “no” a lot and it is typically the beginning of a long debate about why he needs the car. you may remember responding the same way when you heard the word “no” at that age and thinking of a change in strategy until you figured out a way to get a “yes.”

more: 5 ways to rethink the way you communicate | 3 steps to getting the most out of every meeting | why choose you? | the one big reason your hiring sucks | are you botching your first impression?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

something happens to us between childhood and our first job. as an adult, when we hear the word “no,” we cringe. we shy away and quickly give up to avoid confrontation.
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five ways to rethink the way you communicate

young businesswoman and businessman talking in a hallwayyou should be listening, not just waiting to talk.

by ty hendrickson

has someone ever cut you off during a story you were telling? maybe they jumped in on how they had a similar experience but worse!

more: 3 steps to getting the most out of every meeting | build the practice you want in 4 steps | the abcs of exceptional cpa leaders | 5 crucial areas of firm culture not to ignore | maybe the pandemic isn’t all bad
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

it happens to everyone, and chances are you are guilty of the same crime. it’s when you stop listening and start focusing in on “you.”
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