what do staff shortages cause?

stock image of businessman pushing a giant stack of documents isolated on white background

top professionals provide their insights.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

two crucial questions:

  1. what is causing the shortage of accounting professionals?
  2. what is the shortage of accounting professionals causing?

more: outlook: soft skills are front and center | outlook: it’s time for a new business model | rosenberg map: partner incomes surge 11.4%
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each question has a few answers.
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outlook: soft skills are front and center

woman giving presentation to seven people with whiteboard and sticky notes

leadership must be ready to challenge mindsets … and not slowly.

by sarah dobek
the rosenberg map survey

editor’s note: every year, the rosenberg map survey asks the industry’s top consultants to share their observations from cpa firms across the country. how do you think the next 12 months will unfold? also, how would you assess the last 12 months?

i believe that over the next 12 months, firms will continue to focus on ideal clients with a more strategic focus on client acceptance. this will help with bandwidth constraints, ensure strategic growth and protect resources. as an outcome, firms will be challenged to improve scoping conversations by considering their services.

more: outlook: it’s time for a new business model | rosenberg map: partner incomes surge 11.4%
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client experience standards will become a stronger focus as well. as a result of focusing on advisory and consulting services, they will identify and likely face challenges around skills development in these areas. training and development inside firms will continue to evolve, and by next year, firms will be back in full swing with their soft skills development training if they weren’t already in 2023.
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survey: 42% of accountants turn away work over staff shortages

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complete answers include “we’re turning away work because of it,” “we’re outsourcing at least some work” and “we’re upgrading comp & benefits packages.”


survey respondents offer their strategies.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the most shocking stat to come out of early results in the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 outlook 2024 emerging issues, opportunities and trends survey is also the most painful.

it’s this: 42 percent of responding firms are turning away work for lack of staff.

more: ethics on sustainability puzzle some accountants | accountants to the rescue as startups struggle | talent gap widening: be very scared | accountants hopeful, concerned and confused about ai | looking for recent grads? good luck | cpa biz is booming, but for how long?
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that’s a big ouch for firms that have spent time, effort and money on marketing, only to find that they can’t reap the results.

data is still coming in from firms across the continent (and a few from across the ocean), but the trend is definitely toward critical. and the prognosis isn’t good.
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outlook: it’s time for a new business model

three people looking at charts on laptop and papers

how about a chief growth officer?

by gale crosley
the rosenberg map survey

editor’s note: every year, the rosenberg map survey asks the industry’s top consultants to share their observations from cpa firms across the country. how do you think the next 12 months will unfold? also, how would you assess the last 12 months?

our homogenous profession consists of firms with similar ownership and governance structures and business models. looking forward we’ll see an increased variety of approaches.

more: rosenberg map: partner incomes surge 11.4%
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many will look more like the corporate world, where ownership is not just in the hands of equity partners. governance structures will include a c-suite of non-cpa players. business models will include the melting away of geographic borders, value-based pricing and a variety of career paths.
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ethics on sustainability puzzle some accountants

the professional accountant’s ethical code and independence

ethical sustainability reporting: essential, yes. easy, no.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

cpas are renowned for their honesty, integrity and ethics, not to mention their detached disinterest, their objectivity and capability, their knowledge, accuracy and thoroughness. they act in the public interest, not the interests of those who hire them or even themselves.

more: accountants to the rescue as startups struggle | talent gap widening: be very scared | cpa biz is booming, but for how long? | survey: accountants economic outlook brightens | research: accounting pros cautiously optimistic about generative ai
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certified by the american institute of cpas, they necessarily accept and comply with the international code of ethics for professional accountants.

ethical dilemmas

the guidance in the code has a long history of consideration and development, but one of the newer parts of the code, on ethics involved in sustainability reporting, is still a bit vague. it can leave accountants with ethical dilemmas not easily resolved, according to a new study from the association of chartered certified accountants, “ethical dilemmas in an ear of sustainability reporting.”
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accountants to the rescue as startups struggle

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three ways that you can help.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

small businesses rarely make the headlines, but as a whole they represent a huge portion of the american economy. more than 98 percent of all american businesses have fewer than 100 employees, and 77 percent have between one and 10. together they account for 36 percent of the national workforce.

more: talent gap widening: be very scared | accountants hopeful, concerned and confused about ai | looking for recent grads? good luck | cpa biz is booming, but for how long? | survey respondents see exciting year coming up | survey: accountants economic outlook brightens | research: accounting pros cautiously optimistic about generative ai
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americans, generally an independent bunch, are known for cranking up new businesses. one in 10 small businesses is less than one year old. the attrition rate is high, of course, but 45 percent have held on for one to 10 years, and they account for 34 percent of small business jobs.
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talent gap widening: be very scared

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five strategies for retention.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

how long will your cpa firm or finance department be a going concern if a quarter of your accounting professionals walk out?

you shouldn’t just worry about that; you should be downright scared.

more: accountants hopeful, concerned and confused about ai | looking for recent grads? good luck | cpa biz is booming, but for how long? | survey respondents see exciting year coming up | survey: accountants economic outlook brightens | understanding the full cost of a data breach
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devastating losses of staff and a dearth of job candidates have reached crippling proportions, according to a study from the institute of management accountants and personnel placement firm robert half, “talent retention in the u.s. accounting and finance profession.”
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